Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Prefontaine Classic

Just watched the 2mile race from the Pre-Classic in Eugene. What a great distance meet. Goucher took third with a great finish. The American Import Legat Won an interesting mile. I think the bunnies had a few too many wheaties! You know you are getting a little too lame when you DVR track meets........ouch . I am seriously considering a road trip for next years meet. It is amazing that such world class competition is so close.


What's it Spell? Tempo. Today marked the first day that I have tried a Tempo run in earnest since starting back running. Truth be told, I have been avoiding them. They are not nearly as satisfying to me as the Long slow run nor as glamourous as the weekly speedwork. However....it turned out mighty nice. I think it is the biggest flaw in my training right now. A lot slow and long and a lot short and fast. I need to bring those two ends in a lot. Warmup Mile 7:11.............Mile 2 & 3 were the tempo miles (from Ike to Joy and J's House on Summitview) 6:37, 6:34...1/2mile recover at 7:28 pace..then another 6:30 mile and finised w/ 1.5 at 7:27 for cool down. Going to try & push the pace a bit more now.

Other than missing a little more than half a mile around mile 1.7....here is the elevation chart on my 16.23 mile run. From my house to summitview extension, over Mize, up Summitview to the top of the hill....back down all the way to pear, to tieton, to Summitview Extension...to home. Whew! It also caps off a 42 mile week with 5 days of running. Not too shabby. I plan on putting a little more emphasis on speed however over the next couple of monts. It looks like Gray Rock may be history. Paul may have Secured me a spot on the Hood to Coast Relay team. Looks like quite an experience. Only 3 legs averaging 5 miles....so the training will be substantially different from a 30mile trial run. All in all should be fun!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Solius Jubilous

Thanks to the folks at Peak Performance Physical therapy I believe we have found the cause of my calf pain. Apparently I have been favoring my right leg and have developed weakness on all of the little muscles on my left leg. This is leaving the ole solius(tiny calf muscle) doing too much work. He gave me some strength drills and figures after seeing me once per week for the next 3-4 weeks we should have this think licked! SWEET! Amazing how you can run and not notice a part of your body atrophy. Great work!

Monday, May 22, 2006

14.5 Big ones!

They weren't fast, but ground out 14.5 big ones in the driving rain yesterday. Averaged just over 8min miles (not the fasted by any means). However....left my house...to Summitview extension over Mize to the top of summitview(aka Cowiche hill) and back, so it was not without hills. Calf feeling much better, but planning on hitting the Physical Therapist none the less. Took off this whole week except for speed in the heat Wednesday and Long in the rain sunday. What a week.

Friday, May 12, 2006

"Someday Our Foes may win.......but not Today"

I just wanted to make a quick post on the difference a day makes. I only set running aside one day a week. Al and I run every Wednesday after work. Most of the time we try and do a speed workout. It is the hardest to do on your own and it gives you incentive to run the rest of the week(competition). You have someone to keep you honest and share your running progress or troubles with. This also gives 6 other evenings where you don't HAVE TO run at a specific time. I can usually squeeze a run in....AM, Lunch, Afternoon, or afterwork....but what time is only a priority Wednesday. If you can find someone to train with, one day can make all the difference!
Quote from Hook

Thursday, May 11, 2006

RYKA Iron Girl 10k

I just signed up for the Ryka Iron Girl 10k in Seattle.. it's Sept. 10th.. It sounds like a really fun race and its also a fundraiser for young adults living with Cancer... Plenty of time to train :o). I am strongly considering the Clear Lake Run now that I realize how close it is!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

HR Chart

Another nifty chart. Did 8x800....first five w/ 1:30 rest......5min break then last three w/ 1:30 break. 3:08, 3:02, 2:56, 2:54, 2:59....break...2:49, 3:02, 2:48. Smokin! I was most impressed w/ my recovery HR....down in the high 60%.....Could not have done it w/o Al.....

Hills Hills and More Hills

Ran my first "trail run" last week and realized that hills are not my friend...and there are lots of them in the woods. If I am to make my trail run goal, I am going to have to add a lot more hills. Yesterday I ran from our office to senic and back. Growing up, that was about the biggest hill around. Averaged 7:25's in recovery HR zone. Felt mighty good about myself till I imported the GPS data and say that it was a whopping 415ft elevation gain. Grey Rock has 3 2000ft climbs. Something tells me I am going to have to ramp this up. I think I am going to shoot for a Terrace Heights run this weekend. From Yac Fitness(golds) up TH Drive to 57th and straight on till morning. Looks like I can get in around 1000ft. Also I am now shooting for the Clear Lake memorial 1/2 Marathon( there is also a 5mile just around the lake). Robyn has made other arrangements to do her class.....so we are going to make a day of it. Bring on the pain! Any takers?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Game on!! (as soon as I can walk again)

I finished Bloomsday yesterday without walking this year! woot woot!! yes!! I am so motivated to get back outside running again.. Walking is a little bit hard today because I was a little bit (ok alot) unprepared for a 12k... but as soon as I am back in commission I am definately in for some more...Oh what a feeling when you cross that finish line!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Feelin Good!

Had a great workout w/ Al Wednesday. 400, 600, 800, 1200, 800, 600, 400....all with 400 recovery jog. Ran it on Grass at Carroll. We were mostly 6min pace or faster (last 400 in 71). Felt great. With warm-up and cool down it totaled a wopping 8+ miles for me. Then to top it off...Thursday I ran 4 miles at 6:30 avg with the first mile coming in at 5:54. I must be out of my gourd. Need to try and get a slow day in...HR topped out at 181 a couple of times. Recovery or Injury. I have to keep repeating it. I think I will run with a book on tape today. Always keeps me SLOW.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Nice Run.....Possible Race?

Nice work Ben. Good to see you so stoked on running, and the shorter 5k's nonetheless. As for me, well I am slowly getting excited again. Despite my knee practically being worthless and completely swollen all the time, I have managed to run 6 out of the last 7 days with no plans of letting up. I am really digging this running bit again and can't wait until I am fast again. No plans for races yet for me, but I wouldnt mind getting one on the schedule for June. Any ideas?

Possibly interested in a Seattle Weekend with the fam that includes a beat the bridge race? I have always heard this is a fun one. Might be a bit too soon for me, but interesting?? Nordstom's Beat the Bridge.
The race is May 21st. 8K.