Monday, June 19, 2006

Looks Good to Me

Though I must say, I think I like the rolling nature of this one best of all.

CA Intl MArathon (Sacramento)Sunday December 3rd

How's That for Elevation Change?

Topo and Elevation from the Pocatello Id Marathon Sept. 2nd 2006. Wow!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

52 Miles

This first 50+ week in a long long time. Capped off this week with a 10 miler this morning bringing the last 6 days up to 52miles. I am planning on taking tomorrow off. Feeling pretty good. Actually felt better today after the 10 than before. Odd.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Long, Slow, 5AM, but 20miler none the less

I Ran to Work this morning....theLong Way. From my house, up over Mize, up over the grade to cowiche......then up Zimmerman Road to Naches Heights. Followed that through to 40th, to Summitview to 60th, and back to the office. I have learned that I need to eat breakfast before I run that far. I have learned that I need to get more than 5 hours sleep before I run that far, and I have learned that the work day is longer...after I have run that far. Ready for a NAP!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Weekly Update

I know basically nobody reads this thing, but I want to tell someone that cares what a great running week last week was. So, I will blog it and tell myself. Great Week! Third week over 40 miles.
Monday: 3 miles (recovery after 28mile weekend)
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday 3x1 mile 5:51, 5:59, 5:47 w/ walking 150m recovery
Thursday 5.5 recovery
Friday 9miles Loop from home
Saturday 3 miles 6:40
Sunday 14+ with "Toughest 1/2marathon in the state"

Ended with 42miles. That makes 10 weeks of consistent running since my 10 days to a healthy habit. 3 over 40, 4 over 30 and 3 over 20. I am even contemplating running the Seafair Marathon just to see how I'm doing. I have a 4 week plan to get me there.....I'll see if it works and then go from there! Having a lot of fun!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

He'll be Coming Round the Mountain When He Comes

How bout them apples?? Official time was 1:36 (forgot my seconds...will update later). Biggest hill I have ever ran up....then down. Beautiful day. Unbelievable view. Great race. I was supprisingly slow on the way up....but supprisingly fast elsewhere. 154 avg HR for mile one at 6:10 pace......the 170avg HR for the rest. Overall pleased and a day soreness. Just some stiff hips.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Relay Roundabout

I have been kicked off my second relay team in the last month. Gone from Hood to Coast. I think that I am destined to race alone. I am thankful to pick up a 5am Thursday Run w/ Kevin . Always nice to have company to get you out and running. We went 4.5 and are planning on adding about 1/2 mile per week for a while. I will leave the milage progression to him. I also got the treat of running a 10.5 miler with Liese on Saturday up over Naches heights and through the cowiche canyon. Very enjoyable run! Will definitly do that one again. Also ran Sunday from my house, to the end of Tieton and then to Target. 18Miles averaging 724....(though most of it was down hill). The brightest spot was the first 10miles averaging 7:10s w/o exeeding 160 on the ole HR monitor. That even had a few good hills. Finished off 45+miles last week. This is really getting fun. Hope to see everyone up at Clear Lake this Sunday. I plan on making a training run of the 1/2Marathon.


Congrats to Big Al on his first Gap to Gap Relay. His team took 4th in the Masters Division with All Running both the 2mile trail run and the 5K to finish it all off. Great Job Al!