Sunday, April 30, 2006

Spot Ran

I actually made my first 5k of the "season." A very nice affair supporting the Humane Society. Great t-shirts....and nice prizes. I made my goal of sub 20.....barely 19:57. But good enough for 2nd place in the Men w/o dogs division and 3rd place overall....(one guy ran 18 and change with his lab!) Will have to come back next year...though might bring the whole family and the dog. Such a great event!!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Ah, the Carvo, AM run

Its a nice run in the cool air of the morning, but yes, its a slow go to get going. Boy do I remember that. I now have 4 days going in a row now. I am following ben's two week plan to not miss a day. Habit Forming.

5AM Run

My first 5a.m. run of the Season. Ran 6.5 yestereday in the high 70's and today it is supposed to crest 80. Time to hide in the cool of the morning. If you can read the time associated with my will know that I had a hard time getting moving...first 3 miles around 9:30's. I didn't think I could go that slow. Ended up with an 8:38 slow......but this is a cool Google map exported from SportTracks. Links on the right.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

WOW, 50K

Ok, I have now ran a whopping 2 days in a row. Well there is a start (restart) to everything. And as fun as running 50K through Tampico might sound, I think my probability there is 0%. However, it looks like I am pretty much locked into running this years Hood to Coast in August. Still have to get the final ok from the fam, but if thats the case, welcome motivation, cuz its time to start rocking. Ben, when is your next Seattle visit planned, anytime soon? we need to get a run in over here soon. I'll take another gander at your race schedule and see if there is anything of shorter distance I can fit in this summer to get me training for that hood to coast relay.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

See Spot Run

I am heading into the 80% plus range of attending the See Spot Run.....$21 day of, $15 if you remembered to do it 2 days ago...woops. You can click onfor a direct link to the registration form. It also looks like my Clearlake probability has recently plummetted. Robyn is going to be out of town on the Saturday...and may have to stay over Sunday. I am however pusing 80% on the Grey Rock Trail Run! 50K here I come. I think that is going to be my big one this year. Come one come all...... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

28 Miles

I made 28 miles last week! Hoorah! that means I am up to 86 miles this month so far....with this week left to go. Feeling good too. Finally. I tell you....suffer throught the 12 days to a healthy habit and watch the progress. Running in my New Brooks Adrenaline tonight. Been using Asics, but even the narrows seem wide. Will post on success or failure of shoes later.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

2006 Racing

I am still looking to add a couple of track meets somewhere to this list, but the unofficial events under consideration and corresponding desire to run are listed below.
4/30 See Spot Run 5K (80%)
5/13 Zillah 5K(20%) and 10K(70%)
6/11 ClearLake Memorial Run 5M(0%) 1/2Marathon(60%)
7/1 Prosser 5K and 10K 45%
7/9 Seafair Marathon (10%)
7/22 WV Community Days 5K (98%)
8/19 Grey Rock Trail Run Tampico 50K (80%)
9/9 Richland 1/2M (40%)
10/8 Sun City 1/2M Terrace Heights (60%)
10/29 Welch Tri Cities Marathon (80%)
11/5 COT Boise Marathon (20%)
11/11 Tri Cities 1/2M (50%)
12/3 Ca Intl Marathon Sacramento (35%)
.....also want to add some Summer Track Meets and Fall XC Opens!

Hope to see you all there! But if not....more prizes for me!

12 Days to a healthy Habit

It's true. I made it 12 consecutive days of running. I actually hated the first 8 days....but by the end. I was looking forward to running. My mind was coming up with ways that I could fit running in instead of reasons why I should take today off. I am now begining my 3rd week of 20+ miles. I am starting to plan possible races. I think the theme is going to be "keeping Local" My next post will list the races I am considering. If you are interested most are available through the Hard Core Runners link on the right.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Silence Broken

Finally broke the silence of my just over 2 week running lay off. I don't really know why it happend, but it did. I went for a run, back at square one, but determined to get it rolling again. Boss just got back from running the Boston today, the race sounds like quite the should work for this one ben!

ps. my run was very slow, very short, and very sad

Monday, April 10, 2006

One Week Down

8 Days in and finally rewarded with a great Run. 3 miles. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but I averaged 7:03 and went one mile at 6:40 and last 1/2 at 6:30 pace. Very nice. 23.22 miles last week. Like running every day.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

4 Days Down

Just finished a lunch time run making it 4 in a row. It is definitly getting easier to get the gumption up to run. Too bad that as soon as I start I feel like poop. Running very slow. I called the doc to get my inhaler refilled. Hopefully some of the slow movin is my asthma. We shall see. None the less 3-4miles every day since monday.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Two Weeks and Counting

I have a new plan. I know it's hard to believe, but yet another new plan coming your way. I have heard/experienced that it takes 2 weeks to turn something that you do into a habit. I have been having a horrible time getting motivated to lace up the asics and hit the pavement so today I make a pledge. I am going to run every day for the next two weeks. I can pretty much guarantee that I will run neither far nor fast, but I will make it every day for the next two weeks. With a little bit of luck, getting the shoes laced won't be the hardest part about running by then. Updates to follow.