Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A couple more

well, things are actually feeling like they are improving for the first time. I have ran 11.5 miles the last 3 days, and put in a 5 miler today, probably one of my first in over 3+ years. it felt good to actually get in a rythm that lasts a little longer. getting more and more excited for running...

Running Update-Paul

Since our March 7th run in Yakima, have put in 16+miles over 5 runs. Starting to feel better, but will continue to take everything slow and to make it enjoyable so I keep it up. This is really the first time I have enjoyed running in the last 5 years and would like to keep it that way as my number one priority. I enjoy running near my home the most as the trails seem to keep me happy, and the pounding on my knees to a minimum. Looking forward to seeing if I could get a run or two in with ben this coming weekend...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


It looks like I lost the ability to add comments somewhere along the way. Use this post to comment on the most recent posts. The Comments should be included now by default....but we shall see.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

First To Finish Training Program

Check out the 3 day/wk plan for Marathon training under the training link First to the Finish. I think it might be a good template to work from for training for Seafair. For those interested, they also have a pretty cool 1/2 marathon plan. Thinking of 6:30-7:00 for the 10k pace. I've gotten a bit portly this summer though, so might take a while to work into it. What say you?
I could be in for the Half. That is as far as I am going in this first year back from the grave.....

Seafair Marathon

Who's up For July 9 2006 Seafair Marathon in Bellevue? Looks like a winner if you ask me. Just click to check out the site. 17.5 weeks away. Plenty of time. Half Marathon is also an options. Are you with me? Posted by Picasa


This is a great little program to use with those Garmins. It compares the cordinates on your gps with the USGS maps to correct elevation. After you import the GPS data, it gives you a great interactive map. The trial program is free and just says Trial all over the map, but if you only want to double check elevation, works GREAT! Give it a shot Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Well, hopefully the beginning of a lot more runs. Ben and I met up in Yakivegas today for a nice 4.5 miler, with maybe even a tad walk in the middle. I never claimed to be in shape, but that is the goal. Hopefully spending more time with it will get me back in stride and then Ben and I can meet up for some serious running....