Sunday, August 27, 2006

Update in August

Haven't had any great pics to post.....but though I would update the ole running blog. I have just finished a great 2 weeks. As of Sunday morning I am up to 98.5miles over the last 2 weeks. This weeks Highlights...

Monday 5 miles Fartlek. Average 7min miles. Fastest 6min slowest 7:40.
Thursday: 3xmile 5:32, 5:36, 5:38....on a road course by myself.
Friday: Run to work day11.5m 7:25avg...a few hills but mostly downhill
Saturday: 20 miles (for the second week in a row...on 3 hours of sleep)

I also intend on getting that 1.5 to take me to an even 100 miles. Feeling pretty good about my chances of qualifying at Portland. Only time will tell. Can't believe only 5 weeks to go.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Still At it

For those who think I have stopped all are mistaken. Had a great week last week. Did a 3mile fast tempo(6:20s), a 400M workout 12x400 averaging around 80s..and an 18mile HILLY run on Orcas from the folks place to Camp Moran and back...averaging 7:40s. Today I just ran my best SOLO workout yet. Usually I have Al to pull me around the track, but today did 1600m at 5:32(with Negative Splits), jog 400, 3200 at 12:30(pretty even splits...shooting for 12flat..), jog 800 then 800 at 2:46...jog 400 followed by 800 at 2:45. All in all. Mighty Smokin! Felt really good. Going to shoot for 15 at 7:20 pace this one garbage run. The white pass scramble looks CRAZY!!!! Go for it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

White Pass Scramble

Check it out... sounds like fun.. maybe even a bit brutal :O)

Should be exciting!!