Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm Back

Unbelievably, I am back with my public running diary. I have decided to get running again after a LONG hiatus. Very discouraging to go from sub 7:00 min mile marathon to over 10 min mile training pace. Oh least it is fun to see the progress. I am starting with a rather ambitious plan based on time(30min to 1.5hrs) and HR(generally between 140 and 180bpm) to build a base over the next 4-8 weeks. If all goes well, I will sign up for the Seattle Marathon and see what 18 weeks back from the dead will goes nothing.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Update in August

Haven't had any great pics to post.....but though I would update the ole running blog. I have just finished a great 2 weeks. As of Sunday morning I am up to 98.5miles over the last 2 weeks. This weeks Highlights...

Monday 5 miles Fartlek. Average 7min miles. Fastest 6min slowest 7:40.
Thursday: 3xmile 5:32, 5:36, 5:38....on a road course by myself.
Friday: Run to work day11.5m 7:25avg...a few hills but mostly downhill
Saturday: 20 miles (for the second week in a row...on 3 hours of sleep)

I also intend on getting that 1.5 to take me to an even 100 miles. Feeling pretty good about my chances of qualifying at Portland. Only time will tell. Can't believe only 5 weeks to go.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Still At it

For those who think I have stopped all are mistaken. Had a great week last week. Did a 3mile fast tempo(6:20s), a 400M workout 12x400 averaging around 80s..and an 18mile HILLY run on Orcas from the folks place to Camp Moran and back...averaging 7:40s. Today I just ran my best SOLO workout yet. Usually I have Al to pull me around the track, but today did 1600m at 5:32(with Negative Splits), jog 400, 3200 at 12:30(pretty even splits...shooting for 12flat..), jog 800 then 800 at 2:46...jog 400 followed by 800 at 2:45. All in all. Mighty Smokin! Felt really good. Going to shoot for 15 at 7:20 pace this one garbage run. The white pass scramble looks CRAZY!!!! Go for it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

White Pass Scramble

Check it out... sounds like fun.. maybe even a bit brutal :O)

Should be exciting!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Seafair 2006

Well the first bit of news is a bit of a dissapointing time. 2:24:45 I will however attempt to Focus on the here it goes.

I had a pretty fair first 1/2. The course was much more "challenging" than I anticipated. Very little flat. Mostly up and down. The down was very steep. The course was very well supported. Lots of great volunteers and curb side cheering. My hips really tightened up at about mile 14 and it was all down hill from there. I think when I do this one again....I will REALY emphasise hills. And lots of them. At mile 5 I was 2min faster than pace.....really dropped off at 15 &16 from my planned pace....but at the start of Mile 20 I was only 30 sec off my 3:10 GOAL time. I didn't know this...b/c my watch suffered from operator error and was fairly useless through most of the race. I had forgotten to clear an earlier lap from the day before. The pacing was correct, but when I went to look at where I stood overall....I thought I was an additional 2 min behind pace. I really don't think I could have made it...but if I had known I was that close at 20 I may have tried. As of today...only one day later.....the only thing that is really sore is my hips. Other than that..I feel pretty good. Will most likely start back up later this week. Hopefully the tough race will at least do me good going forward. Ease into my Portand Marathon training. Oh yea...I can't get enough and refuse to stop untill I drop another 30 min off my PR!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


For those interested, here are my mile times......keep in mind I was not trying for an even pace (the terrain wouldn't allow it)....I included my goal pace as well as the mile times so you can see if the 7:50's are really me falling apart...or hitting my pace well. You will have to click on the table to see it big enough to read.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Game On!

I am registered for the Seafairmarathon. I know I am crazy...and perhaps not totally ready, but I want to see where I stand. Shooting for a 3:10 but would be happy besting Boise. Planning on making one decision at mile 13. Go for it...or training run. Once made...have to stick to it. I don't want to over do it if I am really not ready, but I don't want to second guess myself once I decide to go for it. Wish me luck!